Human Design is a science experiment and an opportunity to shed your conditioned skin – all the baggage that has been accumulated over the whole course of your life. From parents who projected their own expectations onto you (God knows they meant well), the school systems, friends, family, work colleagues, advertising, and just society in general.
A Human Design reading will allow you to uncloak your true self.
The truth about yourself, about your partner, your kids and other loved ones. It is the science of differentiation, that allows us to recognise the differences in each other. This leads to tolerance and increased harmony.
Everyone is stripped down to the naked truth of who they really are.
And from this self love flows.
Human Design is the ultimate tool for self love and discovery.
Imagine you can discover exactly who you are and how you function.
The best way to make decisions.
When to respond and when to wait.
Who to avoid, who to ask for advice.
Why you love some people and not others.
Why you get irritated with that person in certain situations.
Your Body Graph can answer all of these questions and more.
It can tell you how to eat, how to sleep and when you are at your most productive.
We have been conditioned to use our minds too much, when we know that somewhere deep inside of us, is a voice that knows the answer, knows the response, knows when to wait.
Human Design teaches you to listen to that voice and to use your mind wisely.
We need to understand that our mind and our thoughts are only there to inspire, share with and help others.
Human Design helps us to see the connections and conflicts within partnerships.
In my own personal situation, my partner and I have realised through HD that he is responsible for When and I am responsible for How. He compromises my Channel of Flow and for years I have been so frustrated by the fact that his idea of timing has always dominated my life.
Now that I can see why, I can accept and surrender to it. It feels great.I have learned to follow his lead and to admire his impeccable timing.
Being exposed to HD has changed my world, how I see myself, other people and the relationships around me.It has given me an advantage in life.
After doing 100 readings for people I know, I cannot deny how accurate it is.
And I feel like this is my true calling. I rock at it. 🙂
I have changed peoples’ lives and families, through this practice and I don’t want to stop.
I remember listening to a talk given by a man who had just had his first baby.
He was wondering why his new plasma TV came with a 120 paged manual and the baby came with nothing.No instructions, no rules. He was baffled, as most parents are.
Human Design is the manual we all wish we had. For ourselves and our children.
It is the ultimate parenting tool and can bring new light on relationships.
It explains our purpose, our strengths, weaknesses, how we love and why we get along with some people and not with others.
It gives us a strategy in life and the skills to make the best decisions according to our design.
It gives us a heightened sense of awareness and our own personal practices toward personal growth.
I am offering a special price for the next 50 readings.
If you are interested, contact me for more information or a foundation reading at