Both my husband and I are self confessed foodies, but Lutz is definitely the braver one. He gladly tries local delicacies before me to check if the coast is clear. Is that not love? It’s a bit like a partner who will check your shoes for spiders..a typical expression of love back home is Australia. […]Read More
There is jumping off the wagon, running in and grabbing some chocolate and hopping back on, and there is jumping off the wagon, turning around with a bazooka and blowing it up! Who would have known that you could get bazookas in Bali? How it happened.. I could say that part of the reason […]Read More
I am pretending that peanuts are Paleo for the month of April. I am in Indonesia and satay sticks with peanut sauce are too delicious to ignore, I am on holiday and making loads of exceptions…we only live once! Something I love even more than tasty Balinese food, is their eating culture. All of the […]Read More