Both my husband and I are self confessed foodies, but Lutz is definitely the braver one. He gladly tries local delicacies before me to check if the coast is clear. Is that not love? It’s a bit like a partner who will check your shoes for spiders..a typical expression of love back home is Australia. […]Read More
Would you believe that all of these bugs are Paleo? It was our daughter’s birthday yesterday – which called for a Paleo treat. We ate them with whipped coconut cream. They are definitely naughty and not normally suitable for the Whole 30, but what the heck my baby turned four and my husband already lost […]Read More
It is a great feeling to finish something. To have stayed loyal to a personal goal for your own health and well-being. I have to say, I didn’t reach my goal weight or measurements, I seemed to have cruised along on 60kg after the first two weeks. My downfall was probably this:…. Our garden is […]Read More
I went to the supermarket today and bought myself a tongue. Yes a tongue. I will be taking it to the fabulous Teddy at the Narittaya resort ( home of the Paleo holiday/retreat), next week to make extraordinarily delicious delights with it. Right now it remains frozen in my fridge. I hope I don’t have […]Read More
It has been a tough day of flooded rooms, men digging holes in my backyard, a really tough WOD and not enough sleep. I feel the cortisol levels rising – not good. I could really do with a glass of wine and a square of dark chocolate, maybe flavoured with a bit of chilly. 🙂 […]Read More