Day Three

Well, here are our before photos…for more profile info – see Day One


That is me - all 63kg, 86cm waist and 165cm. My daughter Ylvie, insisted on getting in the shot too, only fair considering I was wearing her bunny ears and fairy wings
That is me – all 63kg, 86 waist and 165cm.
My daughter Ylvie, insisted on getting in the shot too, only fair considering I was wearing her bunny ears and fairy wings

I have to inform you that I have never counted calories and I don’t own a set of scales (I had to go and throw a one baht coin in the scales, at the local market to find out how much I weigh last week).

Personally, I am mainly interested in improving my health and strength. Naturally, I find it pleasing to be a healthy weight, have my clothes fitting comfortably and have more energy, but after growing up with friends who were victim to eating disorders, I have always been extremely concerned with the ever growing importance, in our society, for both men and women to look good on the outside. And that usually means – really thin and at any cost.

Maybe I am only trying to justify my own narcissism, in this post, but I think it is really paramount, that everyone realises that healthy food and exercise, accompanied by the necessary amount of discipline, is the only way to looking good and maintaining a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Spewing in the toilet, taking pills and laxatives are not the way- there are NO quick fixes, you just have to get off your butt or be satisfied with a big one. If you have psychological issues, sticking to a healthy diet and exercise routine, will also help you to become mentally healthier and happier in general. I know from experience because about six years ago, I literally jogged my way out of depression and rejected the pills I was being offered to by my doctor.

“ Chase those endorphins honey,” as my my CrossFit buddy, Jackie, would say.

I think for both Jackie and I, this 30 Day Paleo Challenge is a fun experiment with benefits. I think age has a lot to do with it. I want to stay fit and slim into my forties, fifties and beyond, I want to be able to run around with my grandkids and continue my traveling adventures until I kick the bucket ( or Kettle Bell).

Already dreaming of cappuccinos and it’s only Day 3…..